Wednesday 5 October 2011

Week 5, Day 23, 05 October 2011

The interim presentation is just around the corner, and we have like 2 days left to put our stuff together for the presentation? *stress mode on*

So finally today we finalize he colour of the logo. Again I came up with a lot of choices for them to chose and we will pick the best one.

Chosen logo!

Polished logo!

Programmer art on how the postcard will look like.

front view of the postcard

back view of the postcard

Andrew came in and consult with us. He like the previous idea where the postcard was cut into pieces and people have to come together to view the message. So we are going back to that direction with proper looking postcard with graphics which Lijia is doing now.

ALL of us went home late today. Everyone was so tired and sleep. 
Hope everything go smoothly during the presentation! 
We are left with the UI (user interface) design and ppt slides for the presentation.


- Ayuuu

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