Thursday 8 September 2011

Week 1, Day 4, 08 September 2011

It's another long day for all of us! Overall it's pretty good today! We did a lot of thinking and brainstorming. We started out the day with a consultation with Mrs Ester. After consulting Mrs Easter, this are the key points we have taken note.


  • Where will the lights be placed at?
  • If exhibition is being brought back to Singapore, how relevance is it?
  • Comparison with China, what is/are the similarities for search of identity?
  • Quoted, "Countries that are big, the people normally feel small. Whereas when a country is small, the people normally feel big. It is because it is easier to get recognition."
  • What does lights mean to people?
  • What does these lights represent, and how can it be represented?
  • What is so special about batik? What do the patterns and colors represents?
  • What kind of actions and visual behaviors?
  • "You want them to understand directly, not too abstract."
  • Both ways for Singapore and China.
  • Lack of intent, and message.
  • See it as a growing exhibition.
  • Can it be in a smaller scale? Because the GZ's students normally deal with art piece that is a huge piece/scale. What will small pieces if art impact?
  • Singapore > Grow at the expends of identity
  • China > Grow at the expends of nature
  • Go back to basis.
  • Poetry something common with them, and what if you throw back some questions to them.

We spent the rest of the day discussing a few questions that has been raised.
  1. What is/are our intent & message we want to say to the GAFA students(primary) and the rest of the world.
  2. How do we want to tell them? Which/what method is more useful than the other methods?
  3. How can we give our audience a memorable memories?

With further development, we have come up with more ideas and push our old ideas further.

One of the concept is to have the audiences to play with the installation. The intent is to reuse the resources provided to them.
The idea is to break down and build up the installation again with what is left. It is to reflect on oneself, "What if this is all you have, and you have to make use what is left? What if one day you have no resources, what will you do?" This way, audience will make the best out of what they have.

Another factor that we have count into consideration is darkness & senses.
When you are in the dark:
• Trusting each other more (in foreign places) because you and the other people are in the same situation. You will believe that nothing will happen to you as long as you stay together.
• You tend feel unsafe / insecure because your senses are limited.
• You are more self conscious & aware of your other senses besides sight.

What if you are in the dark?
• You will tend to find your friends in the darkness.
• If you can't find any of your friends, you will make new friends to make yourself not so 'lonely'.
• People will tend to bond together to find ways out.
• These strangers might be your most important person.

Goodnight girls!
Autobots roll out! -- Lijia Boo

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