Tuesday 13 September 2011

Week 2, Day 6, 12 September 2011

First half of the day, every group shared their ideas with the lecturers. 
Below are the progress of idea and the comments given from our lecturers.

IDEA 1 Initial idea : Singapore > Cultural > Festival > Lights (Use of Lights)

- Can be use as metaphor
- Being taught through years to create "Harmony"
- Where are these light being place?
- How is it relevance back to Singapore?
- Comparison with China, what is the similarity for search of identity?
- What does light mean to people? What does it represent? (Eg. heat, ficker, sound,etc)

Lights (Use of Lights) > Something from Singapore that is unique

Propose idea: Reusing resources

Singapore had always been said to be a "artificial" country. Nothing here is original, but we slowly develop and adapting ourselves by using existing or import items.


Make use of existing item and re-create it to form a new identity.

- Make the best out from what you have, even if you're poor.
- Reflect about life; how you can build something with what you have (Innovative)
- How Singapore develop throughout the years without natural resources.

Method: Nil.

Good Comment:
- The concept of artificial & use of lights.

- Nothing interest about nation and prosper. Too typical.
- What made us more human in Singapore than just being "Clean and green country".
- Do something different, maybe the hidden image of Singapore. (Us being the new generation.)
- Something that others may not know about Singapore.
- It's nothing wrong to mock at ourselves. We have the privilege to do it.
- Something relate to foreign talent?
- Look on today's society, what is happening.
- About social commentary. This is our identity.
- "What make us unique as Singaporean?"
- What is the respond, the feel of it, how they think of us.
- 'That' can symbolise something.
- Make people curious about it.

Initial idea: What if the world has no language > communicate between stranger > using common interest of art > people come together to create something > Traditional arts (use of ink, batik) > Human is the 'medium' > Visualise dancing as painting > Something that they can bring home

Propose idea: Same as Day 3. (No development so far)

- Too vague.
- Do not focus about collaboration. Have to be more of communication.
- Where is the intent and message?
- Can be something challenging.
- Why would you want to introduce this installation?

Initial idea: Pay attention to the surrounding sound > What you see is not what you get > Life can be fast and hasty

Proposed idea: Slow down the pace of life

The working life in this country has been rapid for the growth of economy. We are often busy with the schedule ahead for the day that we might miss something beautiful happening around us. 
For example, an employee goes to work every morning, stay in the office in the afternoon and back home in the evening. And this routine goes on everyday.

- Realise the rapid growth of economy.
- Get people to slow down pace in life.

- Choose to live like normal days or making it special for each day
- Life is not all about the speed in order to success. 


Proximity > Space > Sound > Affect emotions > Dark room > Self conscious of other sense 

Proposed idea: Bring strangers together. 

Human tends to rely on visual that sometimes we judge someone just by the look.

Experience during dialogue in the dark:
Use of sound and touch sense is crucial. Even without sound, we can visualize the situation 
How we all get together even in the dark.

- What you see is not what you get.

- Making friends is not through appearance. 

- There's 2 different ideas and it doesn't go well together.
- Is it a temporary trust in the dark situation?
- Is it okay to form a connection for a short period?

Overall comment
- Simple may not be necessary direct visualization.
- Your final propose solution will be the design of the installation
- Planting our skill to the installation
- Ideas can be a solution to something by creating awareness or questioning themselves
- Consider the potential breakdown of the installation when in China.
- Find that voice - What is our installation about/What we are going to do.

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