Wednesday 14 September 2011

Week 2, Day 8, 14 September 2011

We have come up with the final concepts of 4 ideas. Within the 4 ideas, we finalize on many other different kind type of possible installations.

Singapore has been known as a 'Clean & Green' country, and to Singaporeans it is a 'FINE' country. There is a reason to this saying. It is because of our fines (e.g. littering, spitting, smoking etc.) that has been imposed to the people. With this fines, Singaporeans has been 'tamed' to go by law ("LAW BY LAW"). We wish to portray the ugly side of Singapore & Singaporeans. That the tourist do not see. It is like a self-mock of us Singaporeans, that we have to do in such way to show a better Singapore to the world.

Complain is a way/form of expression and dissatisfaction towards somebody or something. We think that complains is a way of a bad & negative communication. Everybody do complain at some point of time. Example, when you are on the bus and the driver drove really slowly caused you to be late for your work. And you will start complaining and pushing blame. But have you thought, why don't you wake up 15 minutes earlier? Another example, you were having dinner with your friends in a restaurant, and you spotted a housefly in your bowl of soup. You complaint to the waitress that they have a bad customer service and unhygienic. Have you thought, if you complain, you might cause the waitress/chef to have a pay cut, or even being sack? Have you ever thought that it is an accident? All these are caused by their perception of their perfect world, and other people intruding into their personal space (privacy, time, physically and mentally).

With the advance of technologies. Social network has been very popular among people in the world. And there is an increase of people making friends through social network. It can be the faster way of bringing people together. But many of these people has been turning to virtual love. We wish that people could get out and make friends.

With the advance of technologies. There has been a lost in traditional communication. For example, handwritten letters, songs, poems, stories, personally present at an event. We think that traditional communication is the basic foundation of a human being. What we are today is because of our history. We think that these traditional communication methods are not to be lose. We hope to bring back the old traditional way of communication back to the modern, fast-paced society.

- Lijia

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