Tuesday 6 September 2011

Week 1, Day 1, 05 September 2011

We had received the theme of project communication.
However our team agrees that we should not dive into the project on the first day.
Thus we focused mainly on planning.

Understanding Communication
Gantt Chart Framework

 Website wire frame sketch 1
 Website Wire frame Sketch 2

In order to prepare for the discussion for tomorrow, we did some research about the topic online.
One of the interesting article we came across, from Benny Lewis a "language hacker".

It's about his non spoken train ride in india.
"I got back on the train and handed my Rubik’s cube to someone and gestured for him to shake it up for me. He understood immediately what I meant and turned it several times. I handed it to another guy and indicated the same. Soon, it was passed all over the carriage and then I asked for it back. I was saying the words, but the gestures were way more important here. Anything I said without gestures was lost entirely on my fellow passengers."

From his article we realized that communicating without words is possible
As long there is a object/common topic that goes along with understandable gesture.
Maybe this might be a good lead for the project.

- Jin Yu

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