Friday 16 September 2011

Week 2, Day 10, 16 September 2011

While all of the team were waiting for consultation with the lecturers, it was a great time for us to spend time together with the others to share each individual group concept, giving comment and feedback that may help us to conceptualize the idea further.

These were some of the comment given from our classmates:

(Topic: Complain)
Is it reasonable to complain?
Are we assuming there's a lack of communication?
It can be subjective.

(Topic: Bringing Strangers Together)
How will the person find the same chord to harmonise?

Before the start of the consultation, we decided to pitch our idea in the order of most favorite to the least, counted by the votes from our classmates accordingly.  

Consultation Time
Feedback for:

Concept 4 (Bringing Strangers Together)
- Explore more about friendship.
- What is the significant being a friend?
- Is it worth it?
- It may be superficial.
- What do you want them to experience when they come togsther?

- Might be difficult to engage people to participant. 
- How will it bring people together? How will it start?
- Does the sound able to detect someone's emotional? How will it change?
- How will it be located?

- Where is the edge (i.e special point) of this installation that will engage to participant?
- How will it break down the language barrier?
- The installation must be something that they can bring home. 
(i.e to contribute something that they can bring home the experience from the installation)

Concept 2 (Complain)
- Similarity with Talking Tom (app).
- Go research on confession booth, eliza robot and argument clinic.

Concept 3 (Traditional Communication)

Propose idea: 
A service for people to send cards.
User will type a keyword (e.g. LOVE) on to the screen (probably a website/screen/widget) and the program will automatically print out the template on a nice decorated paper.
Lastly, it will be send (mailed) directly accordingly to the address that the sender provided. 

- It's more like a single dimension. 
- How will this apply in China?
- How will the people value them, get emotions with it?
- How much will they cherish it?

Concept 1 (Artificial Singapore)
- Too political.
- Not safe to be done as a installation.

Final feedback from the lecturers:

- Concept 3 is the most potential one among all the concept.
- Find out more about the social network used in China.
- How to get Facebook photo on a third party platform. (Research on Api for Flash ActionScript 3.0)
- Provide 2 more ideas for the servicing, other than the use of Facebook photo.
- Digital mock up of the idea. (i.e How it will work and look like.)

Things to be done before next Wednesday final review:
- Final pitch of idea.
- Timeline for the project.
- Roles of each team member.

Surprisingly, concept 3 on Traditional Communication was picked the best among all the concept we had. It has been a overdrive week for us to develop each concept, not knowing which one will be approve. It feels great to finally have a direction for us to focus on.
Looking forward to next week!

Signing off,

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