Tuesday 13 September 2011

Week 2, Day 7, 13 September 2011

Before we can even start on the discussion, Mr Andrew came in to show us some photos/videos of the projects/installation/exhibition he saw in Australia. Some of the projects that is kind of interesting are..

  • info graphics
  • silhouette sticker + speech bubble interactive installation
  • tuck-of-war project ( telecommunication but more of a competing kind)
  • MIT- sensor 3D- goggle DoppelLab ( technical showcase)
  • 3-screen: interactive globe 
  • thumbprint interactive installation : connected to a projector ( map out the streets according to the lines on your thumbprint)
  • build things (anything) out of tones of lego
  • info graphics map ( using special pen and touch on a special paper that have a very fine dots like a bar code - tiny camera that pick up the codes will appear on the screen eg. population
  • installation of something that looks like a sun that have lots of tube and red liquid in it. it pump out red liquid to portray chaos and order
  • "Talking" Piano- changes its frequency so it seems like its talking. A project theme called "machine come to life".
  • stock motion, playing with lights, shadow and LED
  • flower origami
  • seal toys that behave like a real pet for elderly in Japan
  • x-ray vision on dead animals
  • a machine that connect to the world movie database. Able to type any keyword and any movie that uses or related to that word will appear on the screen projector.

We further develop all our ideas and come up with more ideas. We are still stuck at the HOW part which is the interaction part and we need to have a very strong installation that convey the messages that we want to send to the users..

These are the list of ideas that we had came up with...

concept one idea one ( artificial singapore )

Idea one:

Intent: to address to the world, should we head to a money minded nation?
Is singapore really like what it's packaged? a fine nation or A 'FINE' NATION?

To let people know what we had become so civilized are with ugly truth behind that is never told.

maybe message:
The country is what it is now, are due to rules and fines.
Certain rules are set to keep a "discipline" however this made
singaporean to be more money minded. Even while enjoying the fireworks,
people tends to jokingly say hey there goes our taxation money~

Is this what we want the world to be like?
Money concentrated? Singapore had been too focused on economy that the art. culture and leisure 
are limited. Even the existing ones are created/ build with tourism in mind. there is nothing really for 
singaporean, it's for "branding singapore" shouting
" WE are harmonious, we have nice exhibition in museums cause we know arts ah yadayah"

Message, Shouting out to the world is this a life we want? chasing behind money cause we are afraid to be poor and so?
or we want a place thats with idealism?

How? (metaphor)
Singapore fine system.

concept two ( everyone made mistakes, that's why nobody perfect )

What's the problem?
humans are being selfish derived from law

general: We always look at the negative side of others but not reflecting on ourselves = quarrel (bad communication)

Who are we addressing to?
people who might not have noticed this.

We want individual to reflect on their acts before accusing other party and cause a "negative communication"

Message of this project.
think before you act 
Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live



concept three ( see with ur ears )

What's the problems?
One would not approach another if there isnt a purpose.

who are we addressing to?
people with too much expectation of others.

to remind the users,
life might not always be the way you want.

expect the unexpected 
more than some pretty face.


concept four ( traditional art + factory )

whats the problem???
Many countries are too focus on economy related education.
If there is a need, they will just "import "foreign talent when feel like they are lacking talents in areas.
They would not go a step to nurture  local talents.

Who are we addressing to?
the future of the world.

To sound out that if this continues, some talents will just extinct.


Factory ( the world is like factory the system only creates one type of people.
and you keep doing fast as we need to compete to other
country that the quantity is there but no quality in the end


concept five ( language + strangers )

what is the problem?
There is no common language how can we bring strangers together?

Who are we addressing to?
People who do not share a common language and want to get to
know each other.

bring strangers together

communication works beyond language



- Ayuuu

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