Thursday 8 September 2011

Week 1, Day 3, 07 September 2011

We start off the day by doing the checklist for our group of what we must accomplish today. 

1) Consultation 
2) Finalize our ideas
3) Develop new ideas 
4) Finish up the wireframe
5) Documentation for the day
6) More research
7) Start moodboard 

After doing the agenda, we share our learning points from the video that we watched yesterday on body language that we borrowed from our school library..

Some of the learning points are ..
  • point of comfort zone - 4 different type of zone (intimate, personal, social, public)
  • gesture - cross leg position, signal (different culture have different gesture and the way they interpret each gesture is different)
  • lift situation - people tend to take corner then to the center of the lift because they are surrounded by strangers (for enclose area)
  • different posture give a different message by itself without have to communication
  • research said that we have a total of 8 different facial expression to express our feelings (eg. happy, sad, surprise, scared, etc..)
  • body language and gesture itself is a form of a strong communication

We then continue watching the part 2 of the DVD and we learn about 
  • Proximity
  • Gesture (eg. Charlie Chaplin)
  • Eye contact
By this time in more detailed.

From the knowledge that we get we try to develop more new ideas and finalize our current idea.

Concept One:  Singapore Culture (festivals)

Visual: Lights
Interaction: -
Sound: Festive

How to communicate(objective)?

Installation communicate to viewers, to let them know 
what is  our perspective  of being singaporean. The uniquely us.

What is it?
Singapore is a very harmonious country,
How do we know? The "settings" in singapore
temple, mosque and church are locate in close proximity...

Why do this?
Portraying what is uniquely singapore.
Our ancestors originate from different country but we still able, come together as one nation....

How to??
Allow user to experience the feel of  festivals
celebrated in singapore using interactive light installation.

our lights not so good like other country

Concept Two: About us ( Arts + digital )

Visual: Water color + batik
Interaction : human motion
Sound : Music

How to communicate (objective)?

We reaching out to the audience with what we like/does.

combining the factors, we hope that the audience express themselves
by painting the installation with their body.

Why do this?

How do we bring 2 strangers together, if there's no language in this world. 

Gesture/ motion best express  human than using words.
No matter how much one try to hide their emotion, gesture 
can easily speaks their mind.

How to?

There will be a "water color  projection(?)" 
1 person enters and according to his/her movements, the projection
will start to change. this is art and 1 human communication.

As more people enters the projection area, slowly they communicate
with each other using the painting to create the final piece of art together.

(research if people had done before)

if final thing have physical.

something to exchange btwn people
what is the purpose
what are the thing to communicate? not to general

is this just for enjoying?
wat type of souvenir other than the conventional.
a more communicative souvenir??

Concept Three:  Sound + touch

Visuals : -
interaction: by touching the object, certain sound will played.
according to the pressure detected, the volume will adjust accordingly.
when more participant join in, the different sounds will create a "symphony".
Sound : to be confirmed.

let them find out something
potential problems.

how to let ppl recall back

how worthy is it to do it.
develop further.

small thing but will create big impact.

These are some of the concept that we can come out with so far as we need a guidance and a direction to work towards to so we decided to consult with the lecturers. 
So we consulted we Mr Tay and this are some of the comments he gave us...

Concept 1:

  • our "lights" is not the main thing of Singapore
  • government setup ( having mosque, church, temples along in one street) to create "harmony"

Concept 2:
  • someone has done something similar to this time and space idea
  • don't do like a gadget 
  • FUN doesn't let people "into" it
  • for a start maybe we should think more like something that they want to exchange?
  • must have a meaning, a purpose

Concept 3:
  • intensely inside
  • find something deeply (maybe something from our daily life)
  • the feedback, the scene (perhaps something that can make people to recall back the experience?)

Overall comments:
  • go deeper
  • how significant is our idea?
  • is it worth do it ?
  • will it be memorable?
  • will people appreciate and understand it?
  • do more research on what people has done before
  • what is it that you want to change/like about Singapore

After consulting we think again on how to improvise our idea but it was a bit tiring as we have been brainstorming since the start of the day so we decided to move on the draft wireframe, documentation and moodboard.

digitalize main page wireframe layout from our sketch

digitalize sub page wireframe layout from our sketch

started on the programming

programming and debugging

1st draft moodboard for concept 2

2nd draft moodboard for concept 2

That's all folk! 

- Ayuuu

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