Monday 19 September 2011

Week 3, Day 11, 19 September 2011

Yay! Another day of thinking. Indeed, we have been brainstorming for the past two weeks. Non-stop. Some of the points that I think we need to be aware of.
  • Do we still want Facebook? What are the problems/good of Facebook?
  • Will our 'product' be just an installation for a period of time? Will it be a long term installation?
  • What do people think about the current society? What do they think about the past?
  • What will be the obstacle faced when programing? Will it take a lot of time to learn?
  • How to make the user explore easier & faster?

Moodboard: Ayu
Style Guide: Ayu & Lijia

Flowchart: Lijia
Storyboard: Lijia

Website Coding: JinYu
Documentation Website Coding: JinYu

Website Graphic: Ayu & Lijia
Documentation Website Graphic:  Ayu & Lijia

Survey: All together!!!!
Paper Prototype: ---

Coding for Flash: ---
GUI design: ---
*Physical Product: ---

Video documentation & Editing: Karen

I decided that we choose between three different moodboard/look & feel
  • Sentimental & Romantic (Calm and relaxing)

  • Happiness & Joy

  • Bubbly (circle, light and cute. But not really cute. Bubbly colors)

  • Old & Traditional (coffee papers, coffee marks, old post letters, stamps etc)

These add-on are just some random thoughts and ideas I thought off. Maybe you can generate some ideas from these.
  • Writing on sands. When the sea water wash up the words are disappeared
  • Maps. Able to locate two people together. Or maybe more.
  • Dreams. Everybody dream differently.
  • Time. Time from two different place. Maybe two time will add up to a new time.
  • Sound & Smell. Uniquely only to two person. Maybe in a cafe or maybe some where in a corner of the street.
  • Weather. Sharing the environment of two different time and space. Weather is able to express your feeling at times.
  • Train. The sound of the lonely running train. Everybody is living in their own space, however they are all sharing the same universe.
- Lijia :3

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