Thursday 22 September 2011

Week 3, Day 14, 22 September 2011

As the mini presentation took place in FYP lab during the morning, it was hard for us to accept the fact that one of our concept was being "used" as an idea for the first group.
Nevertheless, we presented two of the concept.

First Concept: Facebook photo (Postcard)
Brief description: Make use of webcam to silently capture sender face while he/she is reading something humorous, collect friend tagged photos from Facebook and collage photo to sender candid shot after sender finishes his/her messages to friend. Sender will choose to online print or save it to their computer.

- It will be better to be used as a mail service. (For us to obtain our intent.)
- Do more test treatment, color and size for the collage.
- Too similar to group 1 finishing product, even though both group have different purpose and intent.

For us to take note:
Our commentary on Facebook. 'We want to cherish, personal memories.'

- The longer you know this person, the more 'wash out' effect it will be on the photo. 
(To enhance the value of the postcard.)
- Perhaps, let user choose their preference color effect.

Second Concept: Augmented Reality (Postcard)
Brief description: Sender record message through video and customize video background. He/she enters receiver name and choose to online print or save it to their computer. He/she finishes off with written address before mailing it to receiver.
Receiver required to surf a website as instructed after receiving the postcard and make use of webcam to 'scan' the printed marker to see unknown sender and message.

- Make use of the back of the postcard for branding and instruction.
- Do more real example of mock-ups for the postcard and process to survey.
- It can be a website or application for the customization.
- Markers can be more than black and white image.

- Enhance the marker. 
(A reward in this marker; Something that they can keep it, that is unique. )
Mess around with the perspective. Play around with shapes.
Can it be a jigsaw puzzle or paper fold (origami)?
- Make use of Facebook to be serve as a database for the video and pictures.

Do research:
- Why is there marker and mark-less type? What are the different between it?
- Marker generator.
- Use of Facebook api to upload video and pictures.

Even though they did not give us a specify answer to work on, we clearly know that we had to choose the second concept, to prevent any conflict. At the end of the day, we still feel upset that the first concept we worked so hard for 3 weeks, was given away just a split second. 
What if we were the first group to present, will there be a different outcome?
Well... Who knows.
We'll just let fate decide.

Signing off,

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