Tuesday 20 September 2011

Week 3, Day 12, 20 September 2011

Today's Agenda:

1) Gantt Chart (updated version)
2) Moodboard
3) Flow Chart
4) Storyboard
5) 3rd idea and refine 1st and 2nd idea

Today is basically finishing up all of the above. And each of us has been given a job to do so we actually spend the whole day doing and preparing our stuff for tomorrow presentation..

Updated version of our Gantt Chart 

Flowchart for idea 1 version 1

Flowchart for idea 1 version 2

Flowchart for idea 1 version 3

Flowchart for idea 1 version 4
(finalize idea 1)

A draft layout on how the GUI for the idea 1 will looks like

Flowchart for idea 2

Storyboard for idea 2

We are still left with the idea 3 concept and a finalize storyboard for idea 1. 

For the 3rd idea we wanted to created that traditional feel for the user like vintage kind but we have not yet execute on that idea ..

- Ayuuu

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