Monday 26 September 2011

Week 4, Day 16, 26 September 2011


We finally started on the project, way dah' go man! Jinyu & Karen was researching on the Marker & Markerless postcard, and also the other possible postcard that we are able to create instead of just the normal hard piece of postcard and a picture on the front page. They have also finalize the flow chart of how the receiver and sender receive and send the postcard.

Ayu and I were decided on the logo and styleguide. After much discussion, we all agree on the direction of Retro. Thanks to Karen and Jinyu, they went to the school library to grab some good inspiring books. It helped a lot. The books are, "We are paper toys!" , "Origami card craft" , "Interactive" , "loslogos" , "1000 more greetings"

Here are the logo sketches

And this is the final logo inspired by seal wax
With a gist of retro & vintage design

- Li Jia

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